Executive Director
Ed Forsythe, Phone: 800-286-0519
Email: ed@ptroi.com
Please direct all of your questions and concerns to Ed at the number above.
Bruce Pedigo of Joe’s Towing & Recovery Phone: 309-829-2123
Email: bahook4@gmail.com
First Vice President
Mike Depoister of TriPower Towing, Phone: 217-342-6135
Email: depo11@consolidated.net
Second Vice President
Wes Kochel of Wes Kochel, Inc. Phone; 708-534-8477
Email: weskochelinc@att.net
Dana Bernaeyge of Pete’s A Towing, Inc., Phone: 847-428-2545
E-mail: petesatowing@hotmail.com
Dan Buczkowski of Ray and Wally’s Service, Inc. Phone: 708-758-3500
E-mail: dan@rayandwallystowing.com
Immediate Past President
Bill Wishard of A to Z Towing, Phone: 815-964-0834
E-mail: atozbill66@gmail.com
Mark Judge of Judge Automotive Phone: 708-535-0077
E-mail: judgeauto@yahoo.com
General Counsel
Rory McGinty Phone: 630743-9907- E-mail: lorkmpc@att.net
Administrative Office
Celina Carillo Phone: 800-286-0519 E-mail: office@ptroi.com
Ed Forsythe Phone: 800-286-0519 Email: Ed@ptroi.com
General Office Phone: 800-286-0519 Email: Office@ptroi.com
Board of Directors
Brett Bertagnolli of SMT Towing, Phone: 708-331-4665 E-mail: bdbtow@yahoo.com
Jim Bresnahan of Chariot Automotive 708-354-1010 E-mail: chariottowing@yahoo.com
Chris Castellanos of First Class Towing 847-458-8697 E-mail: FirstClassTowingRecoveryInc@gmail.com
Marci Gratzianna of O’Hare Towing Phone: 800-227-6890 Email: mgratzianna@oharetowing.com
Jon Jendral of Kasia’s Recovery Phone: 708-418-4315 Email: doneriterecovery@yahoo.com
J.R. Hubly of Hubly’s Towing and Repair Service, Inc. 815-939-2420 E-mail: hublystow@gmail.com
Trevor Justice of Bartley Garage & Towing, Phone: 217-259-4062 E-mail: Bartleyg@consolidated.net
Dave Klein of Kustom Towing Phone 708-496-8989 Email: kustomtowinginc@att.net
James Maurer of Maurer Services , Phone: 773-631-6200 Email: towrecovery@aol.com
Laurence McKay of Suburban Towing, Phone: 847-923-8769 E-mail: suburban@interlync.com
Dan Redmon of Redmon’s Village Towing Phone: 847-895-6162 Email: redmonstowing@yahoo.com
Tim Rogers of Rogers Towing, Phone: 708-479-9824 Email: tim@rogerstowingservice.com
Jeff Skvarla of Auto Medics, Inc., Phone: 708-460-9400 E-mail:Auto-Medics@sbcglobal.net
Donnie Stanton of Mr. Towit Wrecker Service Phone: 309-360-3123 Email: mrtowit@yahoo.com
Rusty West of E & R Towing, Phone: 708-333-7300 E-mail: pwest@unitedroadtowing.com
TRAA Liason:
Marci Gratzianna of O’Hare Towing Phone: 800-227-6890 Email: mgratzianna@oharetowing.com